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Cumberland Wildpark Grünau
Grünau, Austria
  2611 Besichtigungen
Due to their large nostrils, Elks can smell very well. As a result, they are able to smell danger and find food. Furthermore, they communicate with conspecifics via scents. But their large nostrils with their branched nasal passages have another important function. In the Elk’s natural habitat it can get very cold. To survive in these extremely low temperatures, Elks preheat the air they breathe in their nose. This prevents the Elk from freezing. Elks can even seal their nostrils. This way, they prevent water from running into their nose when they are feeding on water plants in lakes and swamps. In addition to their nostrils, Elks are also able to smell with their mouth. They have tiny little depressions on their palates that are coated with nasal mucosa. These depressions are called Jacobson's organ or vomeronasal organ. With this organ, Elks can sense special messenger substances, as for example the smell of receptive Elk cows.
Fischerau 12
4645 Grünau


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