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Scaffolding holes

Das Historicum Scharnstein
Scharnstein, Austria
  11373 Besichtigungen

The circular holes in the walls of the Scharnstein Ruins originate from a certain type of construction in the early Middle Ages, which was used to build up walls on steep slopes where scaffolding could not be erected. Spruce or fir logs with a diameter of 10 to 15 cm were placed across the wall at intervals of approximately one and a half meters. One could stand on the posts that stuck out and materials could be raised. Thus, it was always possible for the mason to build the wall higher, in this case up to 20 meters. Once the wall was finished, the scaffolding was removed one by one, and the protruding timbers were simply cut off on the inside and outside. The middle pieces remained inside the walls, which were then plastered with slaked lime plaster, which only survived until the 17th century. Today, the walls are stone-faced. The wood naturally rotted out and the skeleton holes became visible.


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