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Northern bald isis

Cumberland Wildpark Grünau
Grünau, Austria
  1375 Besichtigungen
With its long legs and its curved beak, the northern bald isis shows up as a typical wading bird. The naked head, his feather head and the northern ibis bird was a breeding bird in North Africa, spread to the Mediterranean and into the Alpine region. Today there is only one more free-living group in Morocco. The Konrad Lorenz Research Center in Cumberland Wilpark succeeded for the first time in resettling a free-flying colony in Europe.

Species name: Waldrapp
Scientific name: geronticus eremita
Class: birds
Order: birds of passage
Family: Ibises
Weight: about 800 - 1500 g
Characteristics: about rabies big, thin, red curved beak naked black-red head, shiny black plumage, long, stork-like legs
Life expectancy: up to 30 years
Enemies: birds of prey such as hawk or eagle owl
Breeding season: March - May

Did you know, that ...
northern bald isis are the sort of Ibisbirds, which breed at the most northern point?
Fischerau 12
4645 Grünau


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