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Eagle Owl

Cumberland wildlife park Grünau loop road

Cumberland Wildpark Grünau
Grünau, Austria
  1202 Besichtigungen
The nightly calls of the Eagle Owls can be heard over a distance of several kilometers. One function of the typical uuu-hu call is to mark home ranges, as Eagle Owls are territorial. The pairs stay together for life, and during the pre-laying periods in autumn and spring, the pairs are commonly heard duetting. The calls of male Eagle Owls sound more deep-toned and dull than the calls of females. Also, the white feather patch on the males’ throat is used for communication: the brightness of the white patch is a signal of male quality: males with lighter patches have higher breeding success and defend their territory better against other intruding males. Furthermore, the position of the “horns”, the ear tufts of the Eagle Owl indicate the degree of alertness: if the ear tufts are erected the owl is alert. If the ear tufts are drooping, the owl is relaxed and sleepy.