How do you draw your audience’s attention to your infoguide?
Depending on the application, this topic could be essential for your purposes, for example when using XiBIT in a showroom. Here it is important to inform the audience about the existence and handling of the infoguide, as it cannot be assumed that the additional feature that you offer with XiBIT will be noticed without eyecatcher. Accessing information about objects created at XiBIT may not be a major challenge for media-savvy users, but you have a clear advantage and can also use it for marketing purposes if you emphasize the additional benefit.
Where to find the templates:
Under menu Info/Download there are various visitor instructions in XiBIT design, which differ in text depending on the type of use. These templates are printable, so they can be printed directly on signs, but can of course also be expanded graphically (e.g. with logos or additional text) or as a template for a completely own design.
Essentially, visitors are advised to download the XiBIT app from the App or PlayStore and to request a centrally located code. Templates are available for signs, but also in a small format e.g. for stickers for object marking.
No more excuses...
If you want to use XiBIT for an exhibition on site or for a theme path, you should know about the various signage options, because using a professional visitor information system is really easy with XiBIT.
As already discussed in the blog "How to use XiBIT to transport the content of a museum to the outside", a sign in the outside area of a showroom can be useful to get information outside of the opening hours (or if a nasty virus forces operators to close facilities) and would like to give insight into an institution.
! No chance for digital invisibility!