Recent Infoguides
Frequently visited objects

„Finally we are visible irrespective of our opening hours. Furthermore we can make daily based changes!. That‘s the future!!“
Mag. Ilse Schachinger, Museum Geyerhammer
„Everyone can present themselves at XiBIT because of the free account. The more people use the offer, the better!“
Stefan Schimpl, tourism Traunsee-Almtal
„It will be exciting, because with XiBIT a lot is possible!“
Mike Schumer, artist at ANTI-FORM
Tell Your Stories!
Ideal for city tours, museums, station routes, showrooms of all kinds ...
Register & create a profile
Create objects & infoguides (thematically structured object groups), add content
If you like, publish infoguides at XiBIT and/or ...
mark on site with downloadable labels/information signs
embed infoguides (e.g. on your own homepage)
cloud based
without contract obligations
XiBIT feat. hublz:
hublz playfully prepares an anecdote worth knowing about your cultural topic, e.g. in the form of a puzzle. Your XiBIT profile will then be marked with the hublz sign to show users that there is additional content that can be experienced here.
That gives you a clear advantage.
All advantages at a glance:
X-tra for visitors
- no registration required
- Infoguide on your own smartphone
no unhygienic loaners - free iOS- and Android-App
- watch also via webplatform
- find interesting exhibitions
in your district - visit exhibitions at your own speed
locally or decentralized - multilingualism
- Social Media
- no downloads needed
Fremium Account
- use for free
- create infinitely many
objects & Infoguides in the CMS
& show it on maps - Place downloadable QR or
number labels on site - downloadable templates
for marking showrooms - Cloud-based storage
- multilingualism
- Social Media, embed Infoguides
- statistics
- Upgrade to premium-account
if required
X-tra for exhibitors
- web-based Infoguide system:
no expensive hard- or software
needed - present objects with images,
text, audio, videos, links, geodata
and many more - publish on the web
- Social Media
- create and maintain projects
by yourself or hire the XiBIT team - order audio announcements
in all European languages - By personal agreement:
Internet, Wi-Fi, loan & purchase
equipment, signage,
marketing material