Almtaler Bergwiesn
Scharnstein, Austria
Along a popular hiking trail from the Tissenbach valley to the well-known Scharnstein Ruins lies the dam wall (or Weir Wall), which was errected in the 2nd half of the 17th century. It was made more visible through deforestation and along the hiking trail to the Scharnstein Ruins it is now the remainder of an interesting, historical building. The Almtaler-Bergwiesn association has set itself the goal of preserving this building, which is unique in Upper Austria, and bringing its history closer to posterity through a theme trail.
Xplore Energy
3991 Visits
Kunst:Raum Gmunden
5114 Visits
Xplore Energy
4369 Visits
The Historicum Scharnstein
Das Historicum Scharnstein
1639 Visits
Xplore Energy
3349 Visits
Bergknappenkapelle Kohlgrube
4989 Visits
The history of the Scharnstein Ruins
Das Historicum Scharnstein
4315 Visits
Excerpt: History of the Geyerhammer Scythe Forge Museum
Sensenmuseum Geyerhammer
3886 Visits
Traunkirchen Abbey through the ages
Geschichte Kloster Traunkirchen
2773 Visits
Traunkirchen Abbey through the ages (excerpt)
Geschichte Kloster Traunkirchen
3383 Visits
Xplore Energy
1689 Visits
Bibelwerk Linz
1590 Visits
Schrift- und Heimatmuseum Bartlhaus
1529 Visits
2860 Visits
Nica Junker
2263 Visits
Johann Schoiswohl
2581 Visits
Giovi Artworks
2757 Visits
Kunst:Raum Gmunden
3627 Visits